Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Green-Eyed Monster

The third in the series “7 Deadly Soul Viruses” is "The Green-Eyed Monster". These 7 sins act like viruses that infect the soul, lead to destructive thinking & behavior that poisons relationships, damages our own souls, & pushes us away from God. Today I used a clip from the film “Amadeus”. The entire film well portrays the sad destructive nature of envy. Poor Salieri, the court composer, was driven to such evil by his envious heart. He wanted to have the talent God gave Mozart and could never be truly grateful for the blessings he had received from God.

If your heart is suffering with the envy-virus, how do you rid yourself of it? Here was the assignment for this week.

Assignment: Counting & Rejoicing  (slide)
1) Count your blessings; list them one by one till you get to 100.
2) Rejoice with someone else in their blessing
3) Memorize 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a

Blessing: “May your heart be filled with gratitude and love that you may rejoice in your neighbor’s blessings as well as your own. Amen.”

1 comment:

Lisa Weidknecht said...

I made my list and challenged my readers to do the same!