Thursday, July 25, 2013

More Questions??

Pflugerville Community Church is ramping up preparation for the Explore God initiative. “Explore God” is a unique, coordinated effort to engage the greater Austin area in spiritual conversation. 300+ churches have signed up to host a 7-week sermon series and discussion group series, aimed at giving Biblical insights into life's most challenging questions. In our “Explore God” training we talked about spiritual ice-breaker questions. Some suggested questions included, "What gets you through hard times?" and "How are you doing... I really want to know?" Here are 7 additional questions Andrew Wilson offers in his book, If God Then What? Wondering Aloud About Truth, Origins and Redemption. If you’re interested in how he develops his questions you can pick up a copy of his book at

So, here’s his questions which I think are quite good:
  1. What’s wrong with the world? I cannot imagine anyone saying, ‘nothing’.
  2. What’s the solution? This is a question that effectively asks, ‘what’s your gospel?’
  3. How did we get here? Lots of people haven’t got much further than ‘the Big Bang and then evolution’. But why was there a Big Bang, do you think?
  4. Why do you think? Does the fact that humans love thought, and poetry, and spirituality, suggest anything about the nature of ultimate reality?
  5. What is possible? If God is possible then presumably ‘miracles’ are possible. Dead people rising again, for instance?
  6. What happened on 9 April AD 30? I'm not sure how Wilson came up with that exact date, but I think it’s important to ask people what they make of the resurrection of Jesus.
  7. So what? It’s good to ask what they think it might imply if Jesus was alive. Who knows? They might even ask you what you think it implies.
Before asking those questions it would be wise to first contemplate them yourself, and even do a bit of reading and research. Let’s keep praying for God to pour out his Spirit upon us as we look for those divine appointments, opportunities to have a conversation about God. Miss the two training sessions? You can watch the first video, “How to Have a Spiritual Conversation,” here: and the second video “How to Use” here:

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

PCC Welcomes Scouts

Five leaders of local Boy Scout Troop 4277 crowded around the church boardroom table to make their case. In response to BSA’s national policy change no longer denying membership to boys on the basis of sexual orientation, another local congregation withdrew sponsorship and the free use of their facilities. So a local Scout troop was suddenly without a home-base. By “suddenly” I mean the decision was sudden, the Scouts were graciously given till the end of the year to find another meeting place. The five men representing Troop 4277 were requesting that Pflugerville Community Church pick-up the sponsorship and host the troop and pack meetings.

The Scout leaders pointed out that Troop 4277 is one of the larger troops in the state, largely as a result of its excellent adult volunteer leadership. They emphasized that a number of boys from PCC have gone through the Scouting program and were part of Troop 4277. In fact, PCC has had three Eagle Scouts in that troop in the past, and one young man is currently working toward his Eagle. Several members of PCC are current leaders in BSA. The Scout leaders talked about the good work BSA does in the community and in molding young men into leaders. They made their case and eagerly awaited the church council’s decision.

At that June meeting the church council of Pflugerville Community Church approved the request from Boy Scout Troop 4277 and Pack 406 to meet in our facility. PCC is the new official sponsor of BSA Troop 4277. The decision was unanimous. A warm welcome was extended to the Troop leaders. It was not a difficult decision. I understand that some congregations feel the need to draw a “line-in-the-sand” regarding the biblical position on homosexuality. However, I do not agree that severing congregational ties to BSA is the place to draw that line.

BSA has not changed the purpose or goals of their organization. What they have done is to determine that a boy will not be excluded because sexual “orientation”. I asked myself, “If a young man or woman in our church’s student ministry expressed feelings of same-sex attraction would that student be excommunicated?” My immediate answer: “Absolutely not!” Attraction does not equal sin. Temptation does not equal sin. We all have attractions and desires that would become sinful if acted upon or harbored in our hearts. What better place than the church for young people to find the grace, mercy, and support needed in both finding their moral compass and living up to it? That moral compass for us is Christ and the law of Christ which is to love God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength, and your neighbor as yourself.

PCC continues to stand on God’s Word alone for the values we hold dear. We will not change the definition of sin based on the popular views of our culture. However, the most basic of all biblical values is love God and your neighbor. Troop 4277 is planning to begin meetings at PCC in August. I am sure they will find a warm welcome.