Monday, July 9, 2012

Sloth: Why Try?

The message on “sloth” was a real eye-opener for me. I was expecting to use those proverbs like: “Go to the ant you sluggard…” I was surprised to discover that the Church Fathers had something altogether different in mind when they talked about sloth.  As I said on Sunday, “Sloth is not simply depression, it is that sad sin that leads us, when confronted by the gracious, open hand of God, to turn away.” Sloth is about our failure to respond to the grace of God.

What does sloth look like when it manifests itself in our lives? It looks like cynicism that would rather stand back and criticize and scoff than working to make a difference in the church, or community, or the world, or in your own heart! It looks like self-pity that opines, “Why try?” It is a self-centered sadness over not getting what we want or think we deserve. Sloth looks like a failure to love when love demands too much effort. And it looks like a rejection of God’s transforming grace. The slothful are all for God’s forgiveness and the promise of heaven, but are not interested in being sanctified… transformed into Christ-like servants of Christ.

So what are we to do when sloth creeps into our lives? Here’s the assignment given last Sunday at the conclusion of the message. It may be a good place to start.
Assignment: (slide)

  1. Read a book… or at least start reading a book, a spiritual book… something by Tim Keller or C.S. Lewis or Philip Yancey or Eugene Peterson or Donald Miller or N.T. Wright… that will challenge your faith.
  2. Pray about connecting with a small group
  3. Keep up your memory work: 1 John 1:8-9;  The Sinner’s Prayer (Luke 18:13) and 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a
This coming Sunday (July 15) is a tough one: “Greed”.

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