Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Mentally Challenged or Spiritually Advanced

Every Sunday a mentally challenged man in our church greets me with a smile, a hug (that often includes an unintended head-butt to my ear), and a hand-written personal note. No one is more excited to be at church on Sunday than Donald. If he’s told me once, he’s told me 100 times how honored he is to be a member of PCC. Last Sunday his note said, “To Pastor Steve, I have set a good goal to follow Christ and to bless others and to love others and pray and now I have shown that! I pray for you in Christ to! Love Donald, in Christ also!”

Donald has enjoyed two big moments at PCC. The most recent was when I recognized him for his achievement in last year’s Special Olympics. He wore his ribbons to church. When I mispronounced his last name in the announcement Donald laughed and said, “Oh Pastor Steve!” I asked him to stand and show his ribbons and he did so with glee. The congregation gave him a warm ovation. He loved it. His other big moment came at one of our Wednesday night Communion Dinners. Donald was baptized by Gordon, the PCC member who first brought Donald to church. When Donald came up from the baptismal waters he thrust his arms in the air in victory. The congregation gave him a standing ovation. It was a great moment for Donald. It was a great moment for Gordon. And it was a great moment for PCC.

Donald loves serving. He assists with the collection of the offering on Sunday mornings. He knows the exact moment when it’s time to leave his seat and head to the back of the sanctuary to take his place with the ushers to pass the plates. But that’s not Donald’s primary contribution to his church. He serves best by simply being present and fully engaged. When we sing Donald sings with the most passion and leads the applause to God after every song. When I’m giving the welcome at the beginning of the service or the announcements Donald laughs at my jokes and verbally responds. “Yes Pastor, I’ll be at Communion this Wednesday night!” I always know Donald is with me, paying close attention, when I’m preaching. He answers every rhetorical question out loud, very loud… and I love it! Worship on Sunday is never an obligation for Donald, it is the high-point of his week.

I know pastors shouldn’t have favorites, but I must confess that Donald is one of my favorites. He never takes worship or preaching or fellowship for granted. He truly loves the church with a passion that reminds me of something the apostle Paul wrote in his letter to the Ephesians: “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the Church…” (Eph. 5:25). I know the Spirit of Christ is in Donald, because I’ve never met anyone who loved the church like he does. He blesses me every Sunday.

Donald is labeled by society as “mentally challenged”. When he talks I have to listen carefully to understand what he’s saying, and his handwriting is barely legible. I don’t know his IQ score, but his SQ (spiritual quotient) if there was such a thing would be off the charts. Donald is a spiritually advanced man that continues to teach me how to love and appreciate the bride of Christ. I think I will set a good goal to follow Christ and to bless others and to love others and pray. I’m confident in attaining my good goal because the Lord is with me and Donald is praying for me.


Lisa Weidknecht said...

Donald also blesses me with his love, his light, his laughter, and his hugs. I see Christ in him every Sunday morning. He is a great example of pure joy.

Robin Ayers said...

Donald is a blessing to everyone. Mackenzie thinks he is amazing and she talks about him awesome. What a wonderful post!

Terri said...

This Sunday I was only able to catch the tail end of the sermon. It did not matter because Donald gave me his own sermon and it moved me to tears. He worships with his whole mind, body, and soul. He showed me how I should be worshipping when he clapped in the middle of your sermon.

ShellyB said...

I love Donald! He is so full of joy and so eagerly worships each and every Sunday! I wish everyone else could see Donald from my vantage point on the stage. He claps and sings with complete abandon. He's not worried about how he looks or sounds, he's just praising and thanking his Father! His smile is contagious and I can't wait to see him every week. Steve, you are so blessed to be the subject of so many of his prayers to God! :-)

brenda staszak said...

I love that he calls me sister!!He is awesome and a blessing. He does not take his eyes of you and is so full of the word.I love seeing him at church.He is inspiring!