I love this view of Jerusalem taken through the west windo of the Dominus Flevit Chapel. The name means "The Lord Wept". The chapel stands where medieval pilrgims indentified a rock as the one on which Jesus sat when he wept over the fate of Jerusalem. The chapel was designed in the shape of a teardrop by Italiean architect Antonio Barluzzi over a 7th century chapel.This is a photo of Sandy and me taken on Mt Sinain by Richard. This has got to be one of my all-time favorite pics of the 2 of us. And for you smart-aleks out there... yes I'm standing on a rock so I look taller than Sandy.
We saw this first century tomb with the stone still intact along the highway when we were traveling, but I cannot remember where. If anyone from the trip remembers the location please let me know. I just thought it looked really cool... especially as we anticipate celebrating Easter.
OK, I'm a little vain, that's me coming out of the Garden Tomb. The empty tomb of Christ is something I can get excited about on Easter. You can keep the bunnies and eggs.